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From the Desk of Pastor Pagotto

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1742 Dinkey Road

Lehighton, PA 18235


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9:00 am Worship

10:00 am Coffee Fellowship

10:15 am Sunday School

God’s Bubble Wrap


On Friday, June 7, I’ll be taking Elijah for his driving permit test. My “little” boy is preparing to drive a car! I don’t understand how this can be when just the other week I was tying his shoes and walking him to the bus stop – at least it feels like just the other week.


Watching our children grow and become more independent is a mixed bag. It’s a blessing to see them become their own person, make their own decisions, and grow as an individual. On the other hand, it’s difficult to let them become their own person, make their own decisions, and grow as an individual because I want to be there walking with them and protecting them as I have been throughout their life to this point. I love my children and want to protect them from everything, but the fact of the matter is that I can’t. No matter how much bubble wrap I use or how closely I hover over them, they will get hurt. I can only be there to love them and support them when they need it.


We just recently celebrated Pentecost Sunday, the day when the apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit. It was also the day that five of our young people affirmed their baptism and became in adults, in the eyes of the church. They can now take on leadership roles and serve on council. Ask their parents, and they probably view their children differently, but that stepping out and up in the church is important, and the gift of Spirit is vital.


I can’t imagine what it must be like for God. I only have two children to worry about, whereas, God has all of us. In God’s infinite wisdom and power, God has given us the gift of the Spirit, knowing that we would need some encouragement, love, and support along the way. God may give us space to make choices but we’re also surrounded with something else – the Holy Spirit, God’s bubble wrap. However, just like bubble wrap, the Spirit doesn’t make us impervious to getting hurt, but it does help us avoid some injuries. When our hearts are open to direction of the Spirit, it moves us where we need to be, helps us do the things we need to do, and be the people God intended us to be.


I may not be able to be there with Elijah every time he gets behind a wheel, but I do know that the Spirit will be with him. It doesn’t make it easier to let go and let him be his own person, but it helps. My only request is that God uses a few extra layers of the special bubble wrap, just to be sure.


Yours in Christ,

Pr. Tony


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